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Nicola Jean Smith, Holistic Therapist

I align my passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine, self-healing, women’s empowerment, spirituality and living with vitality across all facets of my life and I can’t wait to practice yoga, meet, and treat you.

More about Nicola


My treatments with Nicola have been really supportive, healing and powerful. For me Nicola is someone who combines her knowledge of Chinese Medicine with Craniosacral Therapy with an amazing intuitive ability to feel and see what’s moving through a person in the moment of treatment. She is able to track imbalances in ways that blew my mind many times! I can definitely recommend working with her understanding the benefits I have experienced. I always leave her sessions more grounded, calm, alive & empowered.

Solange Beaumont  • Trauma Healing and Female Empowerment

I had regular weekly sessions from Nicola when travelling from India to Bali. She is a true healer. I feel so grateful to have found her. It has has been a privilege to see her work.
Nicola’s work highlights how intricately our emotions reflect and impact our physicality. And if these are not worked upon consciously, over years they create blocks and challenges in our lives which manifest psychosomatically, in our relationships and work.
She seamlessly is able to firstly identify these challenges, in terms of what they are and where is it impacting in the physical body. Then, she begins her magic through Acupuncture and Craniosacral work and beautifully allows the energies to flow, to help us break these patterns and flow.

Kudos and hope she gets to heal many many more!

Karan Gupta • Director, Big Fish Benefits

I first started seeing Nicola because I was dealing with very low energy levels and physical exhaustion for a while. And felt a powerful effect within just a few sessions – my energy started to come back and I also felt mentally much clearer and stable. Her approach to healing is so gently and at the same time deeply powerful. I’ve continued seeing Nicola for almost a year now and can wholeheartedly say that the healing sessions I’ve experienced with her have been highly supportive for my health, overall well-being and especially now, being pregnant. I truly believe that having regular treatments has played a major role in why my pregnancy has been mostly easeful and very smooth. Thank you, Nicola!

Pia Gurgel • Breathwork – The Expanded Self

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