About 2

Nicola Jean SMith
Acupuncturist & Cranio Sacral Therapy

Whats App +61 433 652 434

An awarded Australian travel industry expert, yoga teacher and therapist her experience spans 20+ years with a specialisation in the wellness industry.

Having lived in Bali with her son for 4 years most recently she headed up Marketing for Ubud’s famous Yoga Barn whilst working in their Wellness Center offering Acupuncture and combined Cranio Sacral treatments. With 2020 closures she launched yogabarnonline.com.

She aligns her passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine, self-healing, women’s empowerment, spirituality and living with vitality across all facets of her life and she can’t wait to practice yoga, meet, and treat you in Bali.


YTT 500hr
Cranial Sacral

Professional Associations

Acupuncture Registration Board Australia
Cranial Sacral