If you are one of the 42 countries on the list, you now only require the VOA (VISA ON ARRIVAL), which is $35 USD, and you can get it at the airport before going through immigration.
If, however, your country is not on the list, you need to apply for the e-Visa BEFORE entering Bali. This visa is $300 USD, and you can get it within 2 weeks. If you need assistance with this visa, we can provide you with local visa agents who can help you.
The requirements and situation is changing regularly. Below is the latest update
- Vaccinated
Either 2 Doses or 3 Doses ( Booster) are accepted – minimum 14 days before arrival to Bali. The 1 x COVID-19 vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson, Sputnik V or Convidecia, are accepted
- COVID-19 recovery – as of 6 April 2022
If you have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 a maximum of 30 days before departure and you have been declared inactive in transmitting COVID-19, an exception is made from the obligation to show a COVID-19 vaccination card/certificate and a negative RT-PCR result before departure on condition that you agree to a PCR upon arrival and attach a doctor’s certificate or COVID-19 recovery certificate from the Government Hospital of the country of departure or the ministry that carries out government affairs in the health sector in the country of departure stating that the person concerned is no longer actively transmitting COVID-19;
- Exemption letter
Travelers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that cause travelers to be unable to receive vaccines, may enter if they meet the following conditions: that they must attach a doctor’s certificate (exemption letter) from the Government Hospital of the country of departure stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot participate in the COVID-19 vaccination.
No! There is no more quarantine to get into Bali.
WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR COUNTRY: To enter Bali, you do require a PCR test 48 hours before you fly. However, check with your airline if they require any additional tests or different number of hours.
WHEN YOU ARRIVE IN BALI: As long as you have no COVID symptoms, you no longer need to get PCR tests on arrival. You will go through a Health Screening upon arrival at the airport, & those higher than 37.5 Celsius must undertake PCR test. But if you are healthy and well, you can enter Bali and enjoy your holiday!
WHEN YOU LEAVE BALI: We will be able to help you with PCR tests when you leave Bali.
There is more admin to enter Bali now than before the pandemic, but the steps are simple. This is what you need to enter…
1) Nationality Passport which is valid and still valid for at least 6 months.
2) A return ticket or a one-way ticket to continue the journey to another country.
3) Make sure you have travel insurance that covers COVID – Suggestions from the Bali government are to take out this COVID insurance as well as your normal insurance. It costs IDR 500k for this extra insurance – https://www.jagawisata.com/COVID19
2) Download and complete the PeduliLindungi App BEFORE you leave
3) PCR test 48 hrs before departure flight.
4) Print out your visa (if you needed an e-Visa to enter), or get your VOA at the airport before you go through immigration – $35 USD
The Retreat starts at our first accommodation location in Ubud at 3pm on Saturday the 11th of June. You are welcome to book in from 2pm. It’s best if you fly in the day before so you can get a good night’s sleep before you join us. Alternatively, you can land on the morning of the 11th and we can arrange an airport pickup for you. Just make sure you land by latest 9am, because with new COVID application entry requirements you need to allow for any immigration delays. The drive to Ubud from the airport is approx. 1.5 hours. We want you to also have some settling in time before we all gather at 3pm. If jetlag is a consideration please take this into account based on your personal awareness on how you cope when transitioning from international travel.
The Retreat will finish at 12pm on Saturday the 18th, and we will be on one of the islands just off Bali. You will have a return boat ticket to Bali (already included in your Retreat package), which is an open ticket… so if you wish to stay a few more days on the island you are welcome to. Alternatively, you will be back in Sanur, Bali by the afternoon – latest 5pm Saturday 18 March (boats leave the island at 1pm, 3pm & 4pm). Sanur is a 30-45min taxi ride to the airport, so you could fly home that evening.